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18 set 2020
Sustainable Yoga (and Pilates)
By practicing yoga (or pilates), we make the conscious choice to do something positive for our body and for our mind. But what if we...

29 ago 2020
Sustainable Lunch Break (ENG)
This week, we talk about how we can be more sustainable in our lunch breaks (at school or university, or at the office), avoiding waste...

22 lug 2020
How to Be a More Sustainable Traveller
In some situations, making sustainable choices can be particularly challenging. One of those, for me, is travelling. Let’s see how we can...

8 lug 2020
Sustainable Sunscreen (ENG)
The survival of coral reefs is vital for our ecosystem, and the chemicals in our sunscreen can harm them. This week, we talk about why...

30 giu 2020
DIY Lemon & Ginger Bath Salts
Preparing bath salts at home is cheap and easy. All you need is four ingredients and a very small amount of time. You can prepare these...

25 giu 2020
Green Is The New Black: Fashion & Sustainability (ENG)
Too often, we forget the impact of our purchases and the power that we have as consumers. The fashion industry generates 10% of...

19 giu 2020
Sustainable Grocery Shopping (ENG)
The area of daily sustainability that we will address this week is grocery shopping. Every purchase we make is somehow an investment,...

11 giu 2020
Energy Savings At Home (ENG)
There are countless ways we can reduce the environmental impact of our homes. Here are 10. #1 Asking your energy supplier for a 100%...

6 giu 2020
Towards a Zero-Waste Kitchen: Part II (ENG)
The kitchen might be the room of the house where we waste the most, and not only in terms of food waste (which we already talked about...

29 mag 2020
Towards a Zero-Waste Kitchen: Part I (ENG)
The kitchen might be the room of the house where we waste the most, mainly in terms of food waste. Fortunately, there are several ways...

10 mag 2020
Sustainable Laundry (ENG)
Here are some tips to make your laundry more sustainable (links below). The basics: Laundry machines consume a lot of energy. In order...

7 mag 2020
The Case For a Plant-Based Diet (ENG)
Switching to a plant-based diet is one of the most important steps individuals can take to improve their overall health and reduce their...

5 mag 2020
The Road to Zero-Waste Beauty (ENG)
Here are some alternatives to minimise beauty-related waste. Since our focus is minimising waste, if you already have stocks of some of...

3 mag 2020
DYI Coffee Scrub (ENG)
This scrub improves your blood flow and removes dead skin, leaving your body and face plump and glowing. Since you can make it out of...

1 mag 2020
Plastic-Free Dental Hygiene (ENG)
It’s important to be aware of the fact that even something as simple as taking care of our dental hygiene, which is typically one of the...
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